Media Toolkit
The Community Foundation takes pride in publicizing grants and grant stories through media relations, social media, publications, and our website. We encourage you to share your stories and photos so we can promote your work and our partnership within north central Wisconsin.

Acknowledging the Community Foundation
On first reference, please use our full name: “Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin.”
You can use “the Community Foundation” or “CFONCW” in subsequent references.
Communication of your Grant:
Wausau Marathon County Impact Grants:
This project was funded (or funded in part) by a Wausau Marathon County Impact Grant from the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin.
Community Arts Grants:
Support for this project was provided through the Community Arts Grant program of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin, with funds provided by the Wisconsin Arts Board, a state agency, the Community Foundation, and the B.A. & Esther Greenheck Foundation. (logos for all three funders are available upon requests)
Beyond Pencils & Crayons Grants:
Support for this project was provided through the Beyond Pencils & Crayons Grant program of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin.
Donor Advised Fund Grant:
This project was funded (or funded in part) by a grant from the [insert name of fund] Fund, administered within the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin.
Social Media:
- Tag the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin in social media posts when acknowledging support or promoting the success of your program or event.
- Social Tags:
- Facebook: @cfoncw
- Instagram: @cfoncw
- LinkedIn: Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin
Media Templates
All press releases and materials must be approved prior to distribution. For review, please coordinate with Jenna Weix, Director of Marketing.
Connect With Us.
We appreciate it when our nonprofit partners share pictures of programs or events that we have funded, success stories, videos, or any other newsworthy items that we can help promote.
Or call Maggie at (715) 845-9555