Jenna Weix
Marketing Associate
2 JANUARY 2020
2019 Win Brockmeyer Memorial Scholarship Recipient Announced!
The Win Brockmeyer Memorial Committee* listed below, is pleased to announce the recipients of the 24th annual Win Brockmeyer Memorial Scholarships, a program administered by the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin. The 2019 student-athletes nominated by their school’s respective coaching staffs include:
- Benjamin Bates of Newman Catholic High School
- Donovan Leverette of Wausau East High School
- Marc Sippel of Wausau West High School
- Delton Zuleger of D.C. Everest High School
From these nominees, a Selection Committee, composed of members of the press, area school athletic directors, and a representative of the Community Foundation, named Marc Sippel, Wausau West High School as the Win Brockmeyer Outstanding Senior High School Football Player of the Greater Wausau Area for 2019.
Each nominee will be honored with a $500 scholarship. Marc Sippel, selected as the Outstanding Player of the Year, will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
To be nominated, each student-athlete must meet the following selection criteria, as established by the Win Brockmeyer Memorial Committee* in 1996:
- Graduating senior from D.C. Everest, Newman Catholic, Wausau East, or Wausau West High Schools (or any other greater Wausau area high school that develops a football program in the future)
- Who is an outstanding football player;
- Achieving recognition by his peers and coaches;
- Who is a positive role model;
- And displays the characteristics of:
- Aggressiveness
- Courage
- Physical development
- Sportsmanship
The Win Brockmeyer Memorial Scholarship Fund was formed within the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin by members of the Win Brockmeyer Memorial Committee with donations received from over 135 donors in Brockmeyer’s memory.
Brockmeyer was a legendary high school football coach who excelled in leadership and the development of human potential. His winning football record from 1937 – 1971 covered 34 years at Wausau High School, which served students in the area currently served by D.C. Everest, Wausau East and West, and Newman Catholic High Schools. The area-wide scholarship recognition program concept provides area-wide participation and recognition, and unites the region in recognition of their outstanding football players. It also provides an opportunity to tell the Brockmeyer story and focus on his football legacy, uniting the communities in the region through the cooperative selection process.
In the Win Brockmeyer Scholarship Fund’s history, 79 young men have received scholarship awards totaling nearly $68,000.
Previous Outstanding Senior High School Football Player of the Year award recipients include:
2018 Elliot Samuels, Newman Catholic High School
2017 Zach Mueller, DC Everest Senior High School
2016 Thomas Dunbar, Wausau East High School
2015 Stephen Paoli, D.C. Everest Senior High School
2014 Jake Whalen, Wausau West High School
2013 Cole Radloff, Wausau West High School
2012 Logan Taylor, Wausau East High School
2011 Brandon Luedtke, Wausau East High School
2010 Matiah Fischer, Wausau West High School
2009 Tyler Day, Wausau West High School
2008 Anthony Fischer, Newman Catholic High School
2007 Tyler Utecht, Wausau West High School
2006 Joe Gallion, Wausau East High School
2005 Ben Fischer, Wausau East High School
2004 Jordan Hein, Wausau West High School
2003 Andy Crooks, Wausau East High School
2002 Bradley Block, Wausau East High School
2001 Mark Zalewski, Wausau East High School
2000 Jonathon Wanta, D.C. Everest Senior High School
1999 Bounthavy Khamratthanome, Wausau West High School
1998 Derek Abney, D.C. Everest Senior High School
1997 Heath Novitzke, D.C. Everest Senior High School
1996 Timothy Freiberg, Wausau West High School
*Win Brockmeyer Memorial Committee:
David Graebel, and Barbara Hunger (Aaron Baumgardt, Walter Bissell, Cal Chamberlain, Robert Hartwig, Ernie Hoenisch, John Hollingsworth, and Harlan Hunger in memoriam)