Jenna Weix
Marketing Associate
27 MAY 2020
$158,000 Available from COVID-19 Community Response Fund for Local Nonprofits
WAUSAU, WI — In March of 2020, the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin and United Way of Marathon County teamed up to create the COVID-19 Community Response Fund. This fund continues to bring essential resources and aid to our local nonprofits. The fund provides flexible funding for organizations working throughout Marathon County who are disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus and the economic consequences of the outbreak. Working in partnership, this Fund is designed to expand local capacity to address the effects on individuals and families as a result of the outbreak as efficiently as possible.
We know there are serious short- and long-term impacts during this pandemic. We acknowledge that the resources of local nonprofit organizations may be stressed – as they provide support for those with immediate needs at this time.
Applications continue to be accepted on our online application portal. To date, we have awarded 36 organizations with grants totaling over $300,000.
The review committee is focusing on immediate needs – food and shelter security, child care, safety in the home, access to health care, etc. – for the most vulnerable populations (which seems to be children and seniors) at this time. However, the nonprofit sector has a pulse on how the pandemic is affecting the populations they serve – and proposals are accepted to address those needs. There is a $10,000 limit per request. However, the door is open for grant recipients to apply for additional funds if needed.
We have purposely kept the application as simple as possible as not to overburden our nonprofit friends in this stressful time. The review committee, which is made up of a representation of the Community Foundation and the United Way meets weekly to allow the grants to be processed in a timely manner and get funding out as quickly as possible. Applications received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon will be reviewed that week.
Fast Facts:
- $454,237 donated to the COVID-19 Community Response Fund
- $304,050 granted to date – 36 organizations
- Application deadline Tuesday afternoon at 5 p.m. – applications processed weekly
- Apply through the Community Foundation’s online grant management system: https://www.grantinterface.com/cfoncw/Common/LogOn.aspx
- Eligible applicants – a nonprofit organization serving Marathon County – serving the immediate needs of the community due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Application request limit – $10,000 (agencies allowed to reapply if funding is still needed)