Sample Bequest Language

The following is sample language to use in estate planning documents, such as a will, to establish a fund, or add assets to an existing fund within the Community Foundation. 

When your client makes a gift to the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin through their will or trust agreement, they can choose to benefit:

  • the entire community
  • a specific cause
  • a certain program or organization
  • a scholarship fund
  • causes successor advisors care about

The Community Foundation will oversee their gift and work to insure the funds are used as your client intended. If a charity closes its doors or dramatically changes its program, the Foundation will continue to support programs that most closely match your clients’ original intentions. We want to recognize your clients for their generosity during their lifetimes as members of our Legacy Society. You or the client can simply notify us when arrangements have been made to include the Community Foundation in their estate plans.

The following is sample language to use in estate planning documents, such as a will, to establish a fund, or add assets to an existing fund within the Community Foundation:

“I give to the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin (EIN 39-1577472), a Wisconsin nonprofit public charity, (insert the percentage of your estate, trust or a sum of money) OR (all my right, title and interest in the following described property _________). This gift shall be used to establish the ________ Fund and shall be invested and distributed at the sole discretion of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin’s Board of Directors.” (If you wish to name additional beneficiaries, please state them here.)

“I give to the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin (EIN 39-1577472), a Wisconsin nonprofit public charity, (insert the percentage of your estate, trust or a sum of money) OR (all my right, title and interest in the following described property _________). This gift shall be used to establish the ________ Fund. I would like (insert names) to recommend grant recipients from the Fund. I understand the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin’s Board of Directors holds legal responsibility for the Fund and is solely responsible for the investment of and distributions from the Fund.” (If you wish to name additional beneficiaries, please state them here.)

“I give to the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin (EIN 39-1577472), a Wisconsin nonprofit public charity, (insert the percentage of your estate, trust or a sum of money) OR (all my right, title and interest in the following described property _________). This gift shall be used to establish the _________ Fund. This fund is designed to support the (insert name of agency or organization). I understand the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin’s Board of Directors holds legal responsibility for the Fund and is solely responsible for the investment of and distributions from the Fund. (If you wish to name additional beneficiaries, please state them here.)

“I give to the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin (EIN 39-1577472), a Wisconsin nonprofit public charity, (insert the percentage of your estate, trust or a sum of money) OR (all my right, title and interest in the following described property _________). This gift shall be used to establish the _________ Fund, which is designed to benefit (insert field of interest, such as the arts, youth or a specific town or city). I understand the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin’s Board of Directors holds legal responsibility for the Fund and is solely responsible for the investment of and distributions from the Fund. (If you wish to name additional beneficiaries, please state them here.)

“I give to the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin (EIN 39-1577472), a Wisconsin nonprofit public charity, (insert the percentage of your estate, trust or a sum of money) OR (all my right, title and interest in the following described property _________). This gift shall be used to establish the _________ Fund, which is designed to benefit (insert what you want the scholarship to support: students in need, students at a specific college/university, or students in a specific major). I understand the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin’s Board of Directors holds legal responsibility for the Fund and is solely responsible for the investment of and distributions from the Fund.

This language is provided as a sample only. It should be reviewed by your professional advisor.

Let’s Start a Conversation. 

Our professional staff is here to help you find a philanthropic solution that’s right for you and guide you through the process of getting started.
   Or call Michelle at (715) 845-9555

Michelle Gleason | Development Director